We Must Not Allow People or Groups to Make Money by Killing Animals.

  • last year
We must not allow people or groups to make money by killing animals.

Vi får inte tillåta att människor eller grupper tjänar pengar på att döda djur.

Non dobbiamo permettere a persone o gruppi di fare soldi uccidendo animali.

We mogen niet toestaan dat mensen of groepen geld verdienen met het doden van dieren.

Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Menschen oder Gruppen mit dem Töten von Tieren Geld verdienen.

Nous ne devons pas permettre à des personnes ou à des groupes de gagner de l'argent en tuant des animaux.

Nie możemy pozwolić, by ludzie lub grupy zarabiały na zabijaniu zwierząt.

Não devemos permitir que pessoas ou grupos ganhem dinheiro matando animais.

Emme saa antaa ihmisten tai ryhmien ansaita rahaa eläinten tappamisella.

Мы не должны позволять людям или группам зарабатывать деньги на убийстве животных.


يجب ألا نسمح للأشخاص أو الجماعات بكسب المال عن طريق قتل الحيوانات.

हमें लोगों या समूहों को जानवरों को मारकर पैसा नहीं बनाने देना चाहिए।

우리는 사람이나 집단이 동물을 죽여서 돈을 버는 것을 허용해서는 안 됩니다.

Non permettere a persone o organizzazioni di comprare, vendere, violare o uccidere persone o animali.

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We don't want to create new life, we want to save the life that is alive now. If everyone becomes vegan, many lives will be saved. Let's support those who protect life. Let's change the status quo where those who protect are exhausted and those who commit violence against people and animals are profiting. Let's change the situation where the state allows people to violate and kill people and animals. We must not allow people or groups to violate or kill people or animals. I don't think there was ever a time when violence was allowed. May all people and animals have a peaceful daily life. Nothing is more important than life.


