Fly in the Sky (Musical Poem)

  • 2 years ago
Partial Lyrics:

Fly in the sky

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised
That all of this was authorized
After all drones do fly in the sky
Anything can be for the money to buy
Well for like Sam nothing ever changes
He won’t do what an other arranges
Sam the man will remain a fixture
Around this place it will be a mixture
Of the privileged and the destitute
Only the latter really ever gets the boot
Can you fade into obscurity
Is invisibility a security
Maybe the panhandler would know
As they started to hang out low
Under the overpass they put up a sign
They didn’t want to put up a shrine
But once all the ribbons came down
They didn’t care if he ran out of town
When you see the tents on the fringe
Just remember whose rights you do infringe
When you support someone who would sweep aside
Or try to hide it all on the backside

The overhang man strangely cries it’s racism
As he recalls the events that lead to the schism
Other than that his message hasn’t changed
Probably it has become even more deranged
If you visit the same place, suppose he’s still there
You’d be recommended to pull up a chair
What possible future for him could be held
What storms around him could be quelled
The curious onlookers still pedal on by
And listen to the part of the presentation about why
Everything you’ve been told is completely wrong
Who knows how convincing this is to the throng
The harm it does cannot be counted
No matter what against it could be mounted
The trust is eroded and confidence fractured
By a man who believes truth is manufactured
But look at the pictures again is the dance
The dangerous part of the audience is in a trance

Let’s be honest the marchers will have to come out repeatedly
And shout their slogans loud and heatedly
They weren’t listened to the first time
And the second time was little more than a chime
When they were heard it was on the other side of a gun
And the whole goal wasn’t to just stun
If your someone who can’t even get grapples
You can blame it all on some bad apples
A holistic view will not let them stay in a clump
Because to do so will miss out on their thump
Down the boulevards they must trek
Proclaiming that society is but a wreck
We can see that relations have not improved
The barons in charge remain unmoved
Maybe you can say their case is fruitless
Because the people at the bottom are rootless
But don’t worry too much because they’ll return
Because for fairness and justice we all yearn

Even the badges put up memorials
And try to get their version in editorials
So those people will just keep marching
To the beat their backs will be arching
The shirtless man with the sling lifts his hand
As the car sped by with lights on by his stand
The frustration can be puzzling but perceptible
Sure not everything in the world is acceptable
But they will ask can we have some accountability
For the people in charge for our stability
Our anger doesn’t need to come in the form of powder
It comes from our shouting getting louder
