You Asked to See the Monster Movie

  • 2 years ago
You Asked to See the Monster Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: "You Asked To See The here is the monster you made me," Gary Green wrote, a year after his wife filed for divorce. "There will be five lives taken today--me being the 5th." Green intended to kill his wife and her three children, shortly after she had requested a divorce. Green's haunting letter stated "I pray the lord allows my soul to enter Heaven. If not I will burn in Hell forever." Gary currently resides on death row, after stabbing her more than twenty times and drowning her six-year-old daughter. However, after pleading for their lives, the two sons managed to escape from their stepfather when they were just nine and twelve. Now aged eighteen and twenty one, this is their traumatic and emotional story, told for the very first time in this documentary from an established Crime producer who's most recent series, Monster in the Shadows, airs on Peacock.