Power Line Sparks Multiple Times During Storm

  • 2 years ago
This person witnessed an unusual situation during a storm. They observed the power lines sparking multiple times due to a tree falling onto the line causing the explosions, they remained calm and asked their family to get back inside the house.
00:00They're going to bump it again.
00:03Oh, fire.
00:04All right.
00:05There it goes again.
00:06One more bump and they're going to stop.
00:13Don't leave the house, Kaden.
00:14Stay inside.
00:15If that power line drops, do not be outside.
00:19I know.
00:20I know.
00:21I know.
00:22It's over there.
00:23It's safe.
00:24Oh, my God.
00:25How is this safe?
00:26Because it's over there.
