Mediocre Theater [8: 2/2] Huntdown this man (Tyrannicon/Throthgar/Whatever)

  • il y a 2 ans
I know how to count, but I had to upload something big while I was away this weekend. I also could've just made it Part 6 since it's not like my Let's Plays where continuity must make sense, but I wanted to keep it in the order I made them as I don't clearly remember my overlapping arguments.

Look, even if this was all staged, and EVEN if we gave him the benefit of the doubt that this was all legitimate rage... it's all shit. He plays like utter shit, his complaints don't make much sense in the broad realm of Video Games (How come I go back to the beginning of the Boss Fight when I die?!?), nor are they "inspired", as in there's no slight comedic irony anywhere (and even then he repeats his complaints, so again uninspired), the constant screaming and complaining make for awful Commentary, and... well, it's just plain bad. Saying "Shit Cunt Fuck" isn't funny in itself, like come on now. He also says nothing meaningful about the events onscreen, as in he just says and reacts to what's going on before our very eyes, and he knows jackshit about the Games he plays anyway, so what do we get from this travesty? Nothing.

He also gets paid both on Patreon (as indicated by the start of most of his Videos) and YouTube Memberships; I usually don't like to bring up Money into the equation, as it's mostly the lack of Skill or meaningful Commentary that I often want to bring up, but when you get a considerable sum for Troll-Like Behavior and, a recurrent theme on YouTube, Trash Content, then WTF? Should I earn my life with this type of stuff as well then? He also puts Content behind a paywall which, if I can take anything from his Trashthru of Huntdown, are these Videos really worth a cent? It's disheartening when you could be doing something productive and meaningful, but instead good Games get such bad rep for pay, it's disgusting and I see it all the freaking time, such as the case for AngrySchmoe and FaggotCuntboy.

Even if it's all staged, it doesn't help the current state of Video Gaming, where you can just be a clown while misrepresenting the Games that should deserve the positive attention and somehow get away with it. Realize already that the Angry Video Game Nerd-Shtick is over, you're just milking the rock dry in 2021.

I feel like I wanted to say something else or differently, but whatever, it's not like he ever made efforts in his Commentary or Video Descriptions anyway, so why should I? I've said my piece.

I don't make a single cent off of this, nor am I bullying, I'm just expressing my Opinion, but if you're the Subject, I don't mind you sharing a different Opinion in the Comments Section (unless you want to go the FightinCowboy route by threatening to sue me and calling me a "loli pedophile" for not being on the same cognitive field as you), I never banned anyone over this Style of Videos.
