Three beautiful pet birds

  • 2 years ago
Three beautiful pet birds. so colorful parrot budgerigar. parakeet bird so beautiful. tame bird so friendly. budgies three birds so cool. The budgie, or budgerigar, is most commonly referred to as the more generic term “parakeet” in the United States. The wild budgie is similar to the birds we see today in pet shops, though smaller (between 6 and 7 inches long), and only found in the nominate color, green. Its Latin name means, roughly, “song bird with wavy lines,” which is a pretty good description of this popular bird. Naturalist John Gould and his brother-in-law, Charles Coxen, brought Budgies to Europe around 1838. Europeans became charmed with the birds, which bred readily, making them a staple pet in wealthy homes. The Budgie was displayed at the Antwerp Zoo in Belgium around 1850, and began to gain in popularity, not only with the wealthy. Australia banned exportation of Budgies in 1894, and the Europeans had to breed their existing stock in order to continue the hobby. The budgie found its way to America in the late 1920s, but didn’t experience real popularity until the 1950s. Today, it’s the most popularbird in the world. Since they're small, budgies are relatively inexpensive to care for and feed. But contrary to popular belief, a diet consisting only of seeds is not good for a small bird like a budgie, and can even cause health problems. Instead, veterinarians recommend a budgie diet that includes pellets and fresh fruits and vegetables including leafy greens. It's OK to feed budgies seeds as part of this diet, as long as they're getting enough nutrients from other foods. While people are normally accustomed to seeing a variety of colored budgies for sale in pet shops, the only natural color of budgies in the wild is the yellow/green variety. All other budgies, including the blue budgies, white budgies, and others, are color mutations bred specifically for the pet trade. There's nothing wrong with these birds, but don't expect to see a blue budgie in the wild.
