99 People Unaccounted for in Miami Residential Building Collapse

  • 3 years ago
99 People
Unaccounted for, in Miami Residential
Building Collapse.
A 12-story beachfront condo building located
north of Miami in Surfside, Florida, partially collapsed
at around 1:30 AM on June 24.
The collapsed portion
of Champlain Towers
contained about 55 of
the building’s 130 units. .
The complex is occupied by
both year-round and seasonal
residents, so authorities
aren’t sure how many people
were in the building.
So far, search and rescue
teams have pulled at least
35 people from the wreckage.
One person is confirmed dead, although
that number is expected to rise. .
Frank Rollason, director of Miami-Dade Emergency Management,
said they believe all survivors of the collapse have been found. .
According to Miami-Dade Police, there
are a total of 99 people still unaccounted for. .
Crews were still searching the debris as of Thursday
afternoon and engineers have reportedly already begun
investigating why the building collapsed. .
The building, built in 1981, was in the process of being
routinely inspected before its collapse.