Play Clock Patience

  • 3 years ago
How to Play Clock Patience

The information in this strictly opinion based and is for use as educational reference only.

The PROFESSIONAL Guide to Play Clock Patience, win clock patience, What are the odds of completing clock patience

Clock Patience is a simple fun variant of Solitaire. Like other versions of Solitaire Clock Patience is played by one player with only one deck of cards. Unlike other games however it requires almost no strategy and winning comes down to complete chance. To play Clock Patience deal your cards play through the deck and learn how to win the game. Shuffle your pack of cards. Any standard set of cards will work for this game so get a deck at the store or find one around the house. Count out your cards to make sure that you have all 52 otherwise you will not be able to win. Shuffle the deck and get ready to deal. Also consider playing online if you have a computer and an internet connection.

Find a large flat surface. Clock Patience requires a little more space than a traditional game of Solitaire. Find a large flat surface like a desk or a tabletop to play on. You can also play clock patience on the floor if you need more space.

Begin dealing the cards. Clock Patience takes its name from the setup the cards are arranged in 12 piles of four positioned in a circle. Each of these 12 piles takes the position of a number on a clock one pile for 12 oclock one pile for 1 oclock one pile for 2 oclock and so on. Deal the cards face down into their 12 piles around the circle until each pile has four cards.

Place the remaining stack in the middle. Once you deal four cards into their 12 piles you will have four cards remaining. These become their own 13th stack placed facedown in the middle of the circle.Deal 13 piles of four cards - 12 in a circular pattern as if on to the hours of a clock, and one into the clock's centre

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