About Luis Valentino

  • 3 years ago
Luis Valentino has made a mark in the world of secondary education. Valentino started out as a teacher and his passion for education and students then took him to earning his vice principalship. He continued to rise up through the ranks, eventually becoming the Chief Education Officer for Portland’s Public Schools. In this role, Valentino has achieved success beyond measure. One of his proudest achievements is increasing Portland Public School’s graduation rate to 83.7%. How does he do it? Valentino credits his success to the strong connection to the community. He believes that no school can succeed if the parents and community members are not also on board.

Valentino earned his Educational Administration degree from Pepperdine University in 1994. He went from there to California State University, where he pursued and earned a degree in Educational Leadership. He is currently working towards his Advanced Educational Leadership degree at Harvard University. It’s safe to say that Luis Valentino is committed to lifelong learning.

Through all of his years in education, Luis Valentino has become an expert in curriculum development, e-learning, educational leadership, program development, community outreach and so much more. He is a true asset to the Public Schools of Portland. A colleague is quoted as saying “His eye on equity and social justice via our educational systems makes him a master of educational reform efforts.”

All of his years in education have allowed Valentino to acquire numerous credentials. They include Clear Administrative Services, Professional Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Specialist Instruction Credential in Spanish Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education.Valentino has also received several awards due do his excellent work. They include but are not limited to: The Outstanding Leadership Award from United Teachers in Los Angeles, Friend of Parents Award, and Leadership Recognition from MALDEF.

Luis Valentino is committed to excellence in his schools. He does this by using clear and effective communication with students and parents alike. Valentino understands the power of community and parent involvement when it comes to the success of each student and he is highly committed to making that happen.
