MLB to Ease COVID-19 Safety Protocols When 85% on Field Vaccinated

  • 3 years ago
MLB to Ease COVID-19 Safety Protocols When 85% on Field Vaccinated.
On March 29, Major League Baseball sent a three-page
memo to players, coaches and staff urging them to receive
one of the approved COVID-19 vaccines.
For purposes of this memo, individuals are considered `fully vaccinated’ two weeks after receiving their second dose of a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) or two weeks after their first dose of a single dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), Via MLB memo.
According to ESPN, new safety protocols "would apply to fully-vaccinated Tier 1 individuals or teams where 85% of those Tier 1 individuals are fully vaccinated." .
Fully-vaccinated individuals will no longer have to wear masks when exercising and can decrease testing to twice a week.
They can also gather without masks in hotels,
carpool, dine out and more.
If they come in contact with an asymptomatic person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they will
no longer have to quarantine.
Teams with 85% of Tier 1 individuals who are vaccinated won't have to wear masks in the dugout and bullpen.
They can also restore clubhouse amenities and no longer have to use Kinexon tracking devices.
Managers have said they will continue to encourage players to get vaccinated but will respect the wishes of anyone who chooses not to receive the vaccine.


