• 3 years ago
Georgui Kassaev, My Athens Realtor, donates 10% of his commission to a charity of his clients' choice. His last client who purchased a home in a great neighborhood in Athens, Ga called Green Acres, chose AthensPets Inc. as the preferred non-profit. If you are wondering "HOW CAN I HELP ANIMALS IN MY AREA OF ATHENS, GA?" then give me a call and let us talk about how you can get involved in helping our furry little friends, just by choosing to work with Georgui Kassaev, My Athens Realtor in the sale or purchase of your next home or investment property.
Georgui Kassaev:
My name is Georgui Kassaev and I'm a realtor here in Athens, Georgia. I am here with Lisa, as you guys know, I donate 10% of every commission to a charity of my client's choice. My last client from the east side of Athens Georgia chose Athens Pets as her donation. Here's Lisa, she's the mastermind behind the non-profit organization that helps Animals in your area. She's going to tell you a little bit about Athens Pets and how to get involved. Go ahead, Lisa.
Lisa with Athens Pets:
Thank you so much. I want to thank you. My Athens Realtor, first of all, and to you, Georgui, as well as your client for choosing Athens Pets. Athens Pets is a volunteer group that helps with animals throughout Athens Clarke County Animal Shelter, as well as needy animals in the community.
Georgui Kassaev:
That's awesome.
Lisa with Athens Pets:
We raise funds to pay for medical expenses for the shelter animals. We spend time with them. We publicize them and we spay and neuter an awful lot of animals.
Georgui Kassaev:
That's awesome.
Lisa with Athens Pets:
Our website is at www.athenspets.net, and you can email info@athensspets.net to find out more information, but we also have information on our website about donating and getting involved. Thanks again.
Georgui Kassaev:
Wonderful, Lisa. I'm going to put the website in the notes, so if you forget, just check the notes and go ahead and follow. Get involved guys. Our furry little friends need help, and this is the best way to do it. Lisa is awesome, and the people at Athens Pets are great.
Lisa with Athens Pets:
Thank you so much.
Georgui Kassaev:
If you are wondering what other charities you can get involved with just by working with me on the Sale or Purchase of your hew house then don't hesitate to reach out to me https://www.myathensrealtor.com/about/ and I will give you a complete list of our vetted nonprofits. Thank you, guys. Have a good one.


