The Great Reset?

  • 4 years ago
In late October, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote a letter to President Trump. In it, he warned of the dangers of the so-called Great Reset. He explained, “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations.”

The global political class, transnational financiers and multinational organizations advance the satanic agenda of socially engineering a godless society which can be easily manipulated, subdued and controlled. This requires destroying anything related to God, including His institutions of gender, marriage and the family. It’s necessary to remake society.

Satan’s plan for your life is simple: curse God and die. Totalitarian governments make it easier for him to make that nightmare a reality. He wants you dead, but first, he wants you to suffer and blame God for it. That’s his entire strategy, visibly summarized in the life of Job. Satan’s biggest obstacles are Christians, healthy families and unified peoples. It’s why Christianity, traditional families and nationalism are under attack.

Commenting on 1 John 5:14-15, Smith Wigglesworth, a famous English preacher, said, “There are times when there seems to be a stone wall in front of us, as black as midnight, and there is nothing left but confidence in God. There is no feeling. What you must do is to have a fidelity and confidence to believe that He will not fail and cannot fail.” Jesus said that upon our rock-solid faith He would build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against us. We will hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise.
