Top Security Experts Say 2020 Election Was the ‘Most Secure' in History

  • 4 years ago
Top Security Experts Say 2020 Election
Was the ‘Most Secure' in History.
A group of top security and election officials
have declared there to be no evidence of
fraud during the 2020 presidential election. .
The group is composed of members of the
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
and the Department of Homeland Security.
They released a joint statement via the
CISA website late Thursday, calling the election
the “most secure in American history.”.
Right now, across the country, election officials
are reviewing and double checking the entire
election process prior to finalizing the result, Joint statement, via
They went on to describe the process
of recounting ballots in detail, saying there was
“no evidence” of a compromised voting system. .
There is no evidence that any voting
system deleted or lost votes, changed votes,
or was in any way compromised, Joint statement, via
The group seemingly referenced
Donald Trump’s repeated claims of voter
fraud, calling them “unfounded” and
“opportunities for misinformation.” .
We can assure you we have the utmost
confidence in the security and integrity of
our elections, and you should too, Joint statement, via
They ended their statement by urging voters to
consider election officials to be “trusted voices.”


