Beyoncé Describes How 2020 Has Changed Her as a Parent

  • 4 years ago
Beyoncé Describes How 2020
Has Changed Her as a Parent.
During a rare interview with ‘British Vogue,’ Beyoncé talked
about how this past year has affected her and her family. .
She said that life during the COVID-19
pandemic and amid the current social
unrest has left her “changed.” .
I have learnt that my voice is clearer when
I am still. I truly cherish this time with my
family, and my new goal is to slow down
and shed stressful things from my life, Beyoncé, to 'British Vogue'.
The mother of three also touched on how she’s
become a “better listener” to her children. .
I let my children know that they are never
too young to contribute to changing the
world. I never underestimate their thoughts
and feelings, and I check in with them to
understand how this is affecting them, Beyoncé, to 'British Vogue'.
Beyoncé went on to say that she believes the
best way to teach them is to be a good “example.” .
Her eight-year-old daughter,
Blue Ivy Carter, has picked up
on this in particular.
Blue is very smart, and she is aware that
there is a shift … When I tell her I’m proud
of her, she tells me that she’s proud of
me and that I’m doing a good job, Beyoncé, to 'British Vogue'
