Carlos Osvaldo Cortez Bio Vid

  • 4 years ago
Dr. Carlos Osvaldo Cortez is an educator and administrator who has built a career spanning nearly 3 decades and multiple roles.
He has developed a long list of accolades that include his many certifications, publications, and past projects that exemplify his dedication to students.
The foundation of his education was built on his interest in the experiences of other people of color.
This interest led him to study history and sociology at Georgetown University, focusing on the history of gender as well as sexual liberation theory.
His passion pushed him to pursue a Master’s degree at New York University, where he ultimately graduated with a Masters in History, with a focus on African American Women.
This degree deepened his understanding and broadened his perspective of history, feminism, and the African American Experience.
Carlos Osvaldo Cortez’s education culminated in his doctoral studies of education policy and administration.
He centered his research on the ways that PoC educators and administrators influenced the development of modern welfare and educational policy.
He has been an active teacher and professor for more than 20 years of his life, working with dozens of institutions.
He began his experience as a humble Teach for America Corps member.
Starting in 2009, he began teaching in higher education.
His first experience was with the University of Southern California, San Diego Campus.
This educational experience provided him the opportunity to work towards administrative positions.
These administrative positions have been a major part of his professional life for 16 years.
Dr. Carlos Osvaldo Cortez currently serves as the San Diego Continuing Education President, Which is a major division of the massive San Diego Community College District.
Compassion has been a core of his administrative efforts, and he aims to better the experience and opportunities of minority and underserved communities.
He knows that education is something that can open up doors and re-invigorate communities across class, race, and cultural boundaries of all kinds.
With this motivation, he has positioned himself to support social justice and urban education reform.
He works with multiple legislative task forces to make a difference.
Carlos Osvaldo Cortez has seen the ways that diversity deepens education, and enriches our perspectives of the truth. He is committed to promoting the advancement of diversified perspectives within higher education.
