How Zinc and Hydroxychloroquine could be a COVID 19 Treatment

  • 4 years ago
Its Simple theory
The whole point is Zn++ needs to pass through the cell membrane to disrupt the replication of the virus and its proteins in our cells.
Its proven theory
The Zn++ need a safe ionophore
HCQ under Doctor supervision is proven safe for 60+ years
The protocol is The Zelenko Protocol or Similar Outpatient - (Not Hospital Stage)
1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
½ the dose prescribed to millions of rheumatoid arthritis patients on an indefinite ongoing basis
2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

Doctors have always had the ability to prescribe off label use of approved medications; not now in Australia - an Appalling situation.

To any Doctor, Hospital or ER that thinks they can survive a lawsuit for not provided the option of HCQ in their treatment options to the Covid19 patient, here is the list of papers that could and probably should be presented indicating that as an institution you had a duty of care to be aware of the potential for HCQ to save the lives of Covid19 patients that present to your establishment:

To any Governor, Premier, law maker, Media Outlet or forum, Authority overseeing the availability of medications or similar that is party to obstructing the availability of HCQ for the responsible prescription of a Doctor - a Doctor that was formerly qualified to prescribe HCQ and no longer able to because of in part or in full that party-, here is the list of papers that could and probably should be presented indicating that as a institution or individual you had a duty of care to be aware of the potential for HCQ to save the lives of Covid19 patients and that your actions for removing this potentially life saving medication with no just cause is in part or in full responsible for the suffering or death of Covid19 patients and or their friends and family.