Man charged after assaulting and pulling handgun on US students

  • 4 years ago
A man in Keene, New Hampshire was filmed pulling a gun on college students after an argument.

Footage filmed on October 22, 2019, shows the David E. Brown, 31, having an argument with one student in front of the house.

Brown then punches one of the young students, who had said he looked "ridiculous," resulting in a fight.

Brown eventually draws a handgun sending the students fleeing back into the house.

The filmer told Newsflare: "It was an average day, nothing too out of the ordinary.

"Our neighbor's car had gotten a flat tire right in front of our house and my two roommates were helping to fix it.

"There is a duplex across the street from our house and one of the men from the bottom apartment was assisting us with the tire.

"Randomly, and unprovoked, the couple from the upper apartment were yelling and cussing to which we were ignoring.

"They decided to make their way over to our front porch - everybody retreated back to their car and house for safety.

"I realized how crazy this woman was behaving and began recording in case anything happened. ... That's when the video begins.

"She repeatedly told us to 'shut the door' but we were sceptical that this would do anything considering they were angry at us for no reason.

"As my roommate on the steps was putting his phone into his pocket, the drunk punched him in the head and knocked him down.

"Another roommate came running out to defend him; the scuffle broke out and a friend from inside the car came out to help defuse the situation, but once the drunk man slipped out of the shirt that the wife was holding, he pulled out a pistol and put a bullet in the chamber.

"As soon as the friend in the blue saw it and yelled 'gun' everybody booked it.

"After he pulled out the gun, three of us called the cops and they arrived shortly after, only for the couple to lock themselves in the house and turn all the lights off.

"It took about 20 minutes for them to let the police in after calling for backup - riot gear and guns.

"They were evicted and the man was charged."

According to reports online, the Brown was later arrested by the Keene Police Department on charges of criminal threatening with a firearm and simple assault.

Brown's sentence at Cheshire County began on May 30, 2020,
