Biggest Enemies of Sushant Singh Rajput in Bollywood

  • 4 years ago
Enemies of Sushant Singh Rajput in Bollywood :-

1. Salman Khan :- It is known to all that Salman Khan is a very powerful name in the Bollywood industry. Salman Khan uses his stardom and power to make or break any one’s career. Sooraj Pancholi’s mentor was Salman and Sooraj was launched by him which is why Salman wanted Sooraj to do the movie Drive. But Sushant Singh Rajput was already signed for the movie along with Jacqueline Fernandez and he refused to walk out of the movie. This led to a major war of words between Salman Khan and Sushant Singh Rajput, and this made Salman Khan very much angry. Salman decided to ban Sushant Singh Rajput in Bollywood which was revealed on the twitter handle of KRK Box Office.

2. Karan Johar :- The flag bearer of nepotism, Karan Johar was the producer of Sushant Singh Rajput’s last movie Drive. When Salman Khan told him about casting Sooraj Pancholi in Drive, Karan asked Sushant to walk out of the movie which he denied. According to reports, Karan decided not to release the movie in theatres and rather chose OTT platform, Netflix to release it. After this, Karan banned Sushant Singh Rajput from Dharma Productions as his friend Salman Khan did by banning Sushant from SKF.

3. Aditya Chopra :- It was Aditya Chopra himself who gave Sushant Singh Rajput, his second movie in Bollywood, Sudh Desi Romance. Aditya also gave him other movies under YRF banner, like Befikre but later replaced him with Ranveer Singh. This why their great bond turned bitter with each passing day as Sushant was very much upset with Aditya’s behaviour. Later, along with many prominent producers, Aditya Chopra also decided to ban Sushant from his production house, Yash Raj Films.

4. Sajid Nadiadwala :- Sajid Nadiadwala was the person who produced the highly appreciated movie of Sushant Singh Rajput, Chhichhore. Sajid Nadiadwala is a great friend of Salman Khan and when he came to know about Sushant and Salman’s feud, he also banned Sushant. Sajid Nadiadwala also banned Sushant, who gave him a great hit like Chhichhore, from his production house.

5. Bhusan Kumar :- The owner of the popular production house T Series also decided to take similar decision like his colleagues. Which is why Bhusan Kumar also banned Sushant Singh Rajput from T Series and the actor lost many movies. The actor lost more than 7 films in a span of just 6 months because of many big production houses banned him. And this unfortunate loss in the professional life led to his depression, as per reports.