Locust swarms converge on city in Pakistan

  • 4 years ago
Desert locust swarms that have been devastating fields in India have reached the city of Quetta in Pakistan.

In a footage taken on June 12, thousands of the huge bugs are flying overhead as they continue to wreak havoc in the region.

Onlooker Alauddin Khan said the locusts have also invaded nearby cities.

He said: "I am worried about the effect of this on our home. I hope the pests die soon."

Pakistan declared an emergency earlier this month saying locust numbers were the worst in more than two decades.

China has offered to send 100,000 ducks to fight the locust swarms amid claims a single duck can eat more than 200 locusts a day and can be more effective than pesticides.

Locust are a type of grasshopper that swarm together and can strip an area of its vegetation including crops.
