Learn How to Make Rapid Spiritual Progress - 5-Day Spiritual Workshop in Goa, India

  • 4 years ago

Are you looking for a spiritual workshop where you can learn from advanced seekers who have experienced spirituality in practice, connect with like-minded seekers sincere about spiritual growth, and receive clarity about how to take your spiritual practice to the next level? Join us for this once in a lifetime experience to transform your spiritual journey. By attending this workshop, you will

- Learn an effective technique to calm your mind and overcome problems like stress and anger
- Be shown potent spiritual healing techniques that overcome spiritual distress
- View the unique spiritual phenomena taking place at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram
- Receive individualized guidance on how to go ahead in your spiritual journey

And much more. Our 5-Day workshops are unique because they are our only workshops held in the SSRF Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram. By attending one of these workshops, you get the added benefit of being immersed in this spiritually enriched environment.

Register for the event and learn more here:

