About For Books Moving Clutter to the Cloud Review

  • 4 years ago
Film and television views of the future are always clean, sleek and uncluttered. I used to think it was the technology. That at some point in the future, we'd have the technology to meet our daily needs without the need to climb over all of our daily stuff. Then at one point, quite recently, I realized that we're already there! This book examines over a dozen areas in which you can declutter your home by moving your "stuff" to the cloud. Like Agent Coulson's "Tahiti", the cloud is a magical place. In the cloud, there is no dusting, no shuffling back and forth of stuff with no real home, and most importantly, no racing from room to room to find what it is that you're looking for. Assuming Siri is in an accommodating mood, you can even take it to the final frontier: "Computer, please play my favorite album...."
