Bus full of passengers negotiates 8,000ft high mountain road in the Philippines

  • 5 years ago
This is the terrifying moment a bus full of tourists negotiates a mountain road - inches from a deadly drop on an 8,000ft high mountain.

The coach was driving its passengers up Mount Pulag in Benguet, the Philippines on December 4.

It is the highest point in the country, with an elevation of 7,968.07 feet above sea level.

But tourists who want to hike to the top have to first negotiate the perilous Kiangan-Tinoc-Buguias Road.

Vehicles have to drive in first gear along a rocky stretch which is yet to be modernised because of its remoteness.

Plus there's a thick layer of mountain mist which reduces visibility.

Indigenous local Allen Haggibat said that most of the road is properly constructed with concrete, except the part shown in the video because it is so narrow.

He added: ''I was just amazed by the skill of the driver. He does a brilliant job getting everybody safely up the mountain.''

Mount Pulag is known for its beautiful rice terraces and hiking trails, which attract visitors.

The mountainside road was already established after the Second World War but was only converted into a national road in 2013.
