Thai Buddhist festival descends into chaos with followers fighting on speaker scaffolding

  • 5 years ago
Two revellers at a Buddhist festival were captured fighting on a speaker scaffolding next to the stage in Thailand on Monday (November 11).

The two men were attending the annual Loi Krathong festival honour the religion's water goddess in Kalasin, northeastern Thailand.

But during a live music performance, the two lads started arguing in front of the stage.

One of them fled up the metal rigging used to hold the giant speakers, only for the other to scale the frame in pursuit.

The pair were filmed exchanging blows while hanging onto the bars some 16ft off the ground.

A young mother who recorded the pair said onlookers were afraid of intervening in case they were also hurt.

The phone shop assistant, who did not want to be identified, said they were punching and kicking each other, which was a bad example for her son to see.

She said: "I just took my son there to enjoy the food and the traditional Buddhist festival of Loi Krathong, but the two men ruined the good atmosphere by fighting.''

The two men were eventually separated when fellow worshippers climbed the poles and pulled them apart. None of them was seriously hurt.

Loi Krathong, or Loy Krathong, is an annual Buddhist festival that sees millions of people in Thailand and neighboring countries such as Cambodia and Burma release floral baskets onto lakes, rivers and beaches in honour of their water spirits.