Is Soundcloud Pro Worth it for Affiliate Marketing?

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I want to talk about is Soundcloud Pro worth it for affiliate marketing.

As an affiliate marketer Iā€m super lazy and I'm always looking at taking one peace of content like an article or video and leveraging the crap out of it.

What I'm doing right now is creating a video and then taking the sound out of the video and uploading it to Anchor.FM and I'm getting really good views on the podcast.

Plus I use the article and various posts as well. I've looking at Gary Vee's model and he has a team, but can stretch 1 piece of content to the max.

If you are wondering how you can get paid from this, well in the podcast you can mention a website and when someone goes there and buys something, you will get paid.

What is Soundcloud? According to their website it's the largest open audio platform, powered by a connected community of creators, listeners and curators. They are in 190 countries and unlike Anchor.Fm it's not free.

There is a free version and you can upload a total of 3 hours and after that you can't any more. There is something called a pro user and this means you can upload a total of 6 hours. Upgrading your free account to the pro account does not mean getting 6 hours on top of the free 3 hours.

Lastly, there is a pro unlimited user and they have no upload limit at all.

The pro account also has a few perks, such as spotlight your tracks, which pins them to the top of your feed. If you are good enough with the pro version you can get into Soundcoud Premiere and this means you can get paid for your songs and you keep 100% of the money.

The kicker is you have to qualify for the premiere status. One requirement is that you must have at least 1,000 eligible streams in the past month. There are other requirements as well.

The million dollar question is Soundcloud worth it for affiliate marketing? I have experimented with the free account and I've gotten some traffic, but for most affiliate marketers I do not think it is worth it.

If you are creating tons of content and you are already making money with affiliate marketing, then try a free account.

If you are getting some good results maybe then try the pro account. I honestly, think it's not going to make a huge difference to your bottom line, but I could be wrong. If you feel I'm wrong and you have gotten some good traffic from Soundcloud Pro, let me know in the comments below.

Lastly, there is another free podcasting platform, that I just learned about and it's called Bandcamp. With all these free tools, is the money worth it? Good question.

I hope you got some value from this video or podcast on is Soundcloud pro worth it for affiliate marketing and if you did then please hit the thumbs up button.

If you are interested in making money online with affiliate marketing I've been at it for around 9-10 years. C
