The Mike Malloy Book Kickstarter Project

  • 5 years ago
"The Alt-Right, Trump & Me" a Book by Mike Malloy

Fighting A Critical and Necessary Fight!

Ever since election night, it feels as if we've had our country snatched away from us and handed over to Fascists, or the "Alt-Right" as they stupidly have named themselves.

Trump and the rest of these lunatics might think they've won, but they seriously have underestimated the resistance of decent people everywhere.

I've been fighting these SOB's on the radio and Internet for decades and now I'm writing a book to tell you the story of my resistance... and why it is critical we fight this insanity together.
"The Alt-Right, Trump & Me: Dispatches From The Foothills Of The North Georgia Mountains" a book by Mike Malloy

I will tell the stories of my personal experiences with these crazed night-crawlers during my 40+ years in the South, along with the rise of the alt-right itself which culminated in the installation of Donald Trump as President.

ncluded will be incidents that were - and sometimes still are - weirdly funny and sickeningly scary. I'll also write about how my media work is nothing less than a complete denial of these sociopaths and every destructive idea they want to force onto the rest of us. In addition, an in-depth examination of their overt - as well as not so overt – religious nuttery that is directly related to the rise of all Fascist movements.

The book will be heavy on personal incidents and my interpretation of this madness, together with real-time events as the Trump presidency unfolds (or folds up).

It will be a book about resistance, the truth and why we are all - those of us still able to think - angry as hell, ready to organize, and ultimately prepared to smash this Fascist upsurge.

Grab Your Reward

Simply put, this campaign is focused on getting "The Alt-Right, Trump and Me . . ." published. The key rewards you'll find here will show you how to get your own copy of the book. I will personally sign each copy at every reward level; but, if you want chapter previews as they're written, the audio book, your name in the "thank you" section, or one of the other book-related items, the reward section lists the level of contribution that will make that happen.


