Cable #7 - Comic Reivew -

  • 9 years ago
Welcome back zappers, Im Devin Curry with Your online video source for comic book news and reviews. Follow me on Twitter at This is the first I’ve read of this title and I got it because it was a really light week and I saw the X-Force on the cover. The quick review is that cable has been on the run through the time stream for two years now with the first mutant child born after the House of M saga. Bishop, the X-man’s one time ally from the future has come back to kill the child. This was pretty good book. If you are interested to get in this is a good issue to do it. It seems to be the beginning of a story and the story is not far enough advanced that you can’t get caught up. Some aspects of the story are a little trite, like the hard hearted tough guy soldier who is softened by the young girl that he is charged to protect and the one time hero who believes he is doing what is necessary for the greater good despite no one believing him. However, there is a reason these universal tales are trite and if they are done well they speak to people and make for a good read. From my first impression this one is done well and should continue to be. There is a new story starting in the future with cable and I hope that it is related to Bishop and the past and that we’re not getting into the Kung Fu type story where the retired soldier is forced to defend his new home. We’ll see. Distributed by Tubemogul.