Puerto Rico to Overhaul Its Energy Infrastructure With New Bill

  • 5 years ago
Puerto Rico to Overhaul Its
Energy Infrastructure With New Bill While the U.S. senate has rejected the Democrats' "Green New Deal," Puerto Rico has approved its
own version of the bill. The 'Puerto Rico Energy Public Policy Act' or PS 1121
puts a big emphasis on renewable energy. As of now, it makes up only
2% of Puerto Rico's output. But by 2050, the legislation says
100% of the island will be run on it. The act will overhaul Puerto Rico's energy infrastructure after the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria. Currently, the island pays a ton of money to import fossil fuels for power plants. Its electrical grid system was also
crushed by Maria, leading the
entire island to go without power. By 2028, the bill says Puerto Rican
coal plants will cease production. Solar production will also be tax exempted,
as well as other methods of clean energy storage. The bill is meant to give residents a better backup plan in case the island is struck by another natural disaster. For example, public facilities now use solar panels for generation in case a power line goes down. Senator Eduardo Bhatia, via 'Forbes'


