Alia Bhatt Confesses That Shahid Kapoor Was Her Childhood Crush!

  • 5 years ago
Shahid Kapoor has made his place in lots of female hearts since his debut movie Ishq Vishk. But little did he know that he made a rather a big impression on one of his current co-stars in his early days. Shahid's Shaandaar heroine Alia Bhatt recently confessed in an interview that she had a huge crush on the Haider actor after watching his first movie. Shahid successfully played a young chocolate boy in his first film and won the heart of young Alia, who was just 10 years old at the time of the movie's release. The actress said that it was childhood crush and when saw the movie 15 years ago, she though Shahid's fabulous acting left quite an impression on her. Alia said that even though she was nervous about working with the hero, she enjoyed her shoot thoroughly and if she hadn't then she would not have agreed to work with him again in Udta Punjab. The Highway actress added that Shahid is a very humble actor and she saw no smugness in him. We wonder if Shahid is thrilled to have such an avid admirer in his co-star.

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