Anand Ahuja confesses to having a crush on Sonam Kapoor

  • 5 years ago
Sonam Kapoor has always kept her relationship status under wraps and away from the media. But recently, Anand Ahuja confessed that he has always had a crush on Sonam Kapoor. In an interview with a leading magazine, Anand Ahuja confessed that he has a crush on Sonam Kapoor. On being asked about his 'Millennial style crush', Anand Ahuja was quick to take his rumoured girlfriend Sonam Kapoor's name. Of late Sonam Kapoor too shared a cute video with Anand Ahuja on her social media page. While we have got our answer and so have their million fans, we can't wait for Sonam Kapoor to make her relationship official with Anand Ahuja. A must watch!

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