Zoom IQ6 for iPhone mic test

  • 5 years ago
Zoom IQ6 for iPhone mic test, testing to see if the new separate mic for my iPhone works better than the built-in iPhone mic.

I started off with the recording volume set to 5 with 10 being the max on the dial, 90º separation with 120º being the other option.

Later as noted in the video I raised the recording volume to 8/10, it was noticeably more volume in the first run-thru at that setting, I then added more stops and couplers and ended up with adding the 16' pedal bourdon while periodically glancing over at the recorder's LED bar display to see if it hit the red overload bar (it never did) I was trying to see if full organ would push the recorder into the red but it didn't at the 8/10 setting.

I did not use the included software, it was simply plug-in and just play using an iphone 6, a couple of fingering errors here and there, and adding the 16' coupler on this tune makes it rather tubby, but the recording is just to test the mic and see how it does with all the bass and treble.

Overall, I can find no fault with the Zoom mic, the overall sound quality seems better, and with some spacial separation, no clipping.

