Sociopath dating site

  • 6 years ago
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With so many alleged sociopaths around, and with their charming nature, it can be hard to know one when you see them. INSIDER spoke to experts about some tell-tale signs that the one you love may actually be a sociopath. A standard trait of a sociopath is that they are charming and gregarious people. They know exactly what to say to everyone to get them to like them. That's probably why you were drawn to them in the first place. Be careful: Because a charming people-person isn't necessarily indicative of a sociopath, you should look out for other signs, too. Sociopaths lack empathy so if you get upset with them, they have a hard time understanding why. They won't act sorry or even see a reason for you to be upset. They are incapable of empathy and may even try to blame you for 'trying to make them feel bad' about the situation. Sociopaths are skilled liars, but sometimes they're so disingenous that their actions and facial expressions give them away. They will always find a way to turn it around on you. They blame you for 'not reminding them because you know they are forgetful. A good partner will know your triggers and do their best to avoid hitting them. Sociopaths seem to have a goldfish memory and can't seem to remember what ticked you off last. They just can't grasp that people have complex feelings. If they feel they've been betrayed or lied to, they will go to sometimes extreme lengths seeking revenge. They won't let it go until they feel they have 'gotten even.
