Mr Bean Cartoon 2018 - Episode Compilation 7 | Funny Cartoon for Kids | Best Cartoon | Cartoon Movie | Animation 2018 Cartoons

  • 6 years ago
Mr Bean Cartoon 2018 - Episode Compilation 7

Artful Bean
Mr. Bean makes a painting using ketchup, mustard, cabbage juice, blueberries, and cheese mould. The flies seem to like it. He sells it for 5 pounds until he gets an idea of getting their money without returning it to the panicked customers.

The Fly
It's a hot summer's night and a fly enters Mr. Bean's flat, keeping him awake. Most of the attempts he tries fail (almost successful in some attempts) until he manages to trap it in his fridge. He moves the fridge out but Mrs. Wicket kicks him out of the apartment and he is forced to sleep in the fridge. The next day, the fly returns to Bean's room, sleeping in his bed.

A Royal Makeover
Mr. Bean redecorates his room, making it fit for a queen, and goes too far when he names it "The Palace". Mrs. Wicket, seeing this as an opportunity to gain money (due to lack of funds to pay her bills), becomes the queen and makes Mr. Bean her slave, until he gets fed up with it and exposes Mrs. Wicket for the faker she is.

Mr. Bean and the father-and-son compete for the incoming biggest marrow competition. Thanks to the super light lamps, Mr. Bean's marrow grows heavier until the father and son decide to put caterpillars in Bean's marrow. Then, when they see Bean with his marrow, they want to swap their marrow with his but fail to realize that the caterpillars are inside. So Bean convinces the judge that the marrow he's holding is his and wins the trophy dropping the marrow on the old lady.

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