What is Mobbing

  • 6 years ago
Mobbing is forming a group to harass an individual especially at work. It may commence as bullying but when there is pressure, rumours, perks and fear this soon spirals to collective hatred if the management intends on eliminating an employee.
What is in the minds of the bullies?
The people never admit that they are wrong. They just aim in ruining someone’s life.
Those who participate in mobbing are deceived and think of it to be a sort of war. Somewhat like a terrorist who is thinks he is engaged in a holy war – sort of fervent missionaries fighting for their cause.
They have no idea their activities are ethically and legally immoral.
Irrespective of the good terms that the mobbing crowd has had with the target they see the target as a threat to their job and look for prospects to team up with the management against the target.
Even the most decent of person can engage in aggressive and damaging acts. They are least bothered about the consequences. They just wish to get rid of the target.
They will never have an answer for their doings.
When confronted they behave as if nothing is wrong and they are still your close friends and co-employees who are very helpful in nature.
Who are the targets?
Don’t be under the influence that the loners are beleaguered infact the most liked people in the office are the ones who are vulnerable. Such people are threat to the popularity of the bullies thus becomes a target for being mobbed.
Targets are seen both prejudicially and stereotypically. One may be targeted for their religion, sexual preference, disability, race or age.
Targets are usually skilled employees especially when the one bullying is the boss. They think you are overshadowing their work and develop an inferiority complex.
