Argentina: Best Things YOU Want To Know

  • 6 years ago
Argentina the undiscovered and unique sides you probably didn’t know. Best known for red wine and cuts of meat while watching couples dance tango in the streets of Bueno Aires. But It’s so much more, here are the most bizarre, beautiful and unexpected things about Argentina you want to know. I’d like to thank our Argentinian viewers by dedicating this video to you. I hope everyone likes it, subscribe and let us know what other fun or weird customs and traditions about Argentina you think we should know?

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#11 It’s Not Pepsi!
Their slogan “ drink Peci you will save, drink Pepsi, you will save too!

#10 Fingerprinting Records
was the first country in the world to use, as the primary form of criminal record identification, fingerprinting!

#9 Colonizing Poles: Pregnant & Almost Frozen
in 1977 Silvia Morello de Palma was sent to have her baby. Emilio was the first person to be born in Antarctica.

#8 The President’s Godchild Superstition
The 7th son would automatically become the Godson of the president…

#7 The Soccer Curse
The Racing Club’s stadium by rivals. In 1967, the Independiente rivals broke into stadium “El Cilindro” and buried 7 black cats.

#6 Tango, Wine, Red Meat= Argentina
D.Js play as many tango songs as all other types of music combined!

#5 The Mystery Of The 500 Year-old Children
Explores for national geographic made the discovery of the century. Atop the Llullaillaco mountain, near Chile, Incas inhabited the vast region; three children were found known as the Mummies of Llullaillaco or “the children”.

#4 Natural Wonders

#3 Mrs. First Lady President
Hillary Clinton in 2016 made history by running for president after she was first lady. But Argentina, did have its first lady and president. Isabel Peron. In 1974 she was vice president to her husband Juan Peron. After his passing, Isabel Martinez de Peron became president of Argentina… Andrew Loyd Webber composed the musical “Evita” in honor of the actress and social activist Eva Peron! Decades later, Madonna interpreted her life in the movie Evita. I bet you are singing “Don’t cry for me Argentina” right now.

#2 Animal Rights
Sandra the orangutan at the already closed down zoo in Buenos Aires was given “non-human persons” rights in 2014.

#1 Bizarre Sideroad Attractions
“cave of hands.”, the “Eye” island. The “difunta Correa “or “the deceased Correa”

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