• 6 years ago
On July 29, 2018 the people of Cambodia will go to the polls electing the members of the 6st NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.
Twenty (20) parties are contesting in free, transparent, credible and fair elections recognized by the world community as such.
If you want to know more about the democratic process in Cambodia this website is specially dedicated to this purpose.


Cambodia (official name: The Kingdom of Cambodia) is the only internationally recognized democracy in Indochina.
Cambodia enjoys free and open society, human rights protection and a vibrant and free press.
Most recently Cambodia’s National Election Committee (NEC) on Monday released the code of conduct for national and international observers in the forthcoming national election.
The code was hailed by the international community as one of the most open and liberal in the world.
(You can read more about it here: https://centruldiplomatic.wordpress.com/2018/06/03/cambodias-national-election-committee-creates-a-balanced-code-of-conduct-for-press-and-journalists/ ).

According to international community actors the National Elections Committee of Cambodia had insured a free and balanced cliamte for upcoming July 2018 elections :
The new NEC regulations based on truth, ethic preservation and correct information management are perfectly balanced and destined to protect voters rights to privacy and information and to foster a responsible communication and reporting. making Cambodia`s one of the top countries in respecting press freedom and responsible journalism.
You can read more on this subject here:https://centruldiplomatic.wordpress.com/2018/06/02/cambodias-national-elections-committee-ensures-free-and-fair-2018-poll/

The July 2018 Cambodia`s National Election will be monitored by representatives from more than 54 countries insuring the transparency of the process including representatives from European Council on International Relations, Europe-Asia Conference, Conference on OSCE etc.
King Norodom Sihamoni on Tuesday publicly released a letter that he signed on May 18, in which he urged the public to cast votes in the national election.

“The election on Sunday July 29 will be free, fair, just, equal and a secret election in accordance with multi-party democracy,” the King said. “Please don’t be concerned about pressure, intimidation or threats by someone or any political party.”
