Will Obama need to use more centrist language to win?

  • 6 years ago
For two and a half years, the message of the Democrats has been a centrist message, says Pelosi.

Question: Will Obama need to use more centrist language to win?
Nancy Pelosi: I think that the message of the Democrats for the past two and a half years, the message that we had to win in 2006, continues to be a good foundation to have a campaign on and, of course, grow from there as new opportunities present themselves.
This is about jobs. That's not right, not left, not centrist, not anything. That's a universal message about creating good-paying jobs and businesses in America, about providing access to quality healthcare for all Americans, about having an innovation agenda, again, that takes us into the future-- again creating good-paying jobs, about building the infrastructure of America-- again creating good-paying jobs, about preserving our planet, which is our responsibility.
It's a national security issue, it is an environmental health issue, it is an economic issue for good-paying jobs, green jobs, and it is a moral issue to preserve God's beautiful creation and to pass it on to the next generation responsibly.
So I don't think that any of the issues that we talk about, whether it's jobs, healthcare, education of our children, safety of their environment, security of our country, are right or left or center. They're all American issues and they have been what Democrats have been about all along.
Recorded on: June 24, 2008

Question: Will Obama need to use more centrist language to win?
Nancy Pelosi: I think that the message of the Democrats for the past two and a half years, the message that we had to win in 2006, continues to be a good foundation to have a campaign on and, of course, grow from there as new opportunities present themselves.
This is about jobs. That's not right, not left, not centrist, not anything. That's a universal message about creating good-paying jobs and businesses in America, about providing access to quality healthcare for all Americans, about having an innovation agenda, again, that takes us into the future-- again creating good-paying jobs, about building the infrastructure of America-- again creating good-paying jobs, about preserving our planet, which is our responsibility.
It's a national security issue, it is an environmental health issue, it is an economic issue for good-paying jobs, green jobs, and it is a moral issue to preserve God's beautiful creation and to pass it on to the next generation responsibly.
So I don't think that any of the issues that we talk about, whether it's jobs, healthcare, education of our children, safety of their environment, security of our country, are right or left or center. They're all American issues and they have been what Democrats have been about all along.
Recorded on: June 24, 2008
