Make Mom Delicious 'Red Grape Ricotta Toast' For Mother's Day

  • 6 years ago
Mother's Day is coming up fast and the audible gasp we just heard a lot of you make probably means you don't know what to do for her. Not to worry, Jessica Hord is here to rescue you with a recipe for "Red Grape Ricotta Toast." It's delicious, simple, and mom's going to think you're a culinary genius. 


You'll Need:

— 1 slice of dense bread (Jessica used pumpernickel.)


— Cooking spray


— 2 tbsp. ricotta


— 1/4 cup seedless red grapes, cut in half


— Olive oil


— Honey


— 1 sprig fresh thyme




1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


2. Line a cooking tray with foil and spray with cooking spray.


3. Smooth ricotta on top of a slice(s) of bread and place on tray.


4. Evenly sprinkle halved grapes on top of the ricotta.


5. Drizzle with olive oil.


6. Bake for about 10 minutes or until grapes are blistered, remove from oven.


7. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with thyme. You're done!


Inspired by: Food52
