Speakers' Corner: THE BEAR & THE DRAGON

  • 6 years ago
NOWADAYS, A RARE EVENT: two of the Corner's long-time Orators lay aside their differences to strangely unite and, in a sense, "channel" the widely-felt anxiety of these times: the heavily-promulgated fear of IRAN developing nuclear weapons ~ with the even-greater concern of a world conflagration, the long-dreaded World War Three.

Interesting that around the 19 minute mark, HUE talks then about the collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists and gets the same incredulity that, more recently, British politician Ken Livingstone received. Hue points to the research of Lenni Brenner.

The orators' apparent enthusiasm for such a calamity as World War Three in reality masks a sense of futility that anything either or both could say, however well, could alter the course seemingly set towards global disaster.

Let's hope HUE and NICHOLAS were wildly off-beam...