What if James Cameron finished the Terminator ? - StoryBrain

  • hace 6 años
A few months ago, it came out that Jim Cameron is going to reacquire the rights to the Terminator. Reports are that hes planning another film with Deadpool director Tim Miller. I couldnt help wondering how Cameron would finish theif he does end up doing so. So this video will show three ways it could be done.\r
Let me know which ending you like best!\r
Background music is TFB3 by Vibe Tracks from the YT Music Library. Thumbnail is by Urai from DeviantArt.\r
Clips from The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, T3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator: Salvation, Terminator: Genisys, and, randomly, The Shawshank Redemption.
