The P-Square Split: Why Blame The Wives?

  • hace 6 años
I have been following the “developing” story of the feud among the Okoye singing and dancing twins, P-Square, and their older brother Jude, but not with keen interest. The reason is because musicians (performing artistes, generally) by their nature, are given to squabbles, which are, sometimes, orchestrated to attr attention. Of course, many of the fights are real and often lead to splits, legal ions and even deaths, in extreme cases. Needless recounting some of them as we have a surfeit of such well-known fights locally and internationally.\r
So, why am I on about the P-Square fight, which, according to latest news, has led to the split of the twins? Among the reasons being adduced for their disagreement and eventual split is the role of the women in their lives. Interestingly, I know Lola, Peters wife, having worked with her in V-mobile, now Airtel. Even so, I cannot say what her role has been in the whole saga and I dont want to personalize the issues, but I want to dismiss the insinuation that the bickering among the erstwhile “tight” is a result of the influence of their wives.\r
Let me start by saying that a family means man, wife (wives) and children. Any other person, including siblings, parents, cousins, aunties, uncles, nephews and nieces are part of the extended family. The moment a man marries, the definition of “family” must change otherwise there will be trouble. Let me put it on record immediately that I am NOT advocating total abandonment of the extended family, but that must come only after the immediate family. So, if you, a man, used to consult your mom or dad or brother or sister or uncle or auntie before taking a decision, your wife becomes your primary source of advice as soon as you get married. This is a reality most young men do not face until they start facing problems.
