Worst weekend in my life explained

  • 6 years ago
You couldn't insult me more than by labelling me as mentally sick...you could have cut my hands or legs(all my limbs) and you wouldn't cause me as much harm as you did by branding me as mentally ill.

Video can be also seen at https://rutube.ru/video/e356801c9db9ee3d1973939e369bf5fd/ OR http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32925109 OR http://dai.ly/x6gnxtv OR

After 5/6 months of incarceration in mental hospital in Ljubljana, parents came to pick me up for what would be fiorst weekend at home...I felt sick to the brink of total exhaustion due to physical pain for three days on the row in 2014, yet I didn't feel like staying home because of what psychiatrists in Slovenia have done to me under MKULTRA...I wanted back in the mental hospital at all costs(as fast as possible) or to even lodge in the nearby forest due to fear on how they could realize their threats with local Novo mesto's police...
