Printed Batteries 2 Magnetite Coated Graphene

  • hace 6 años
Following on from the nickel hydroxide video this is to make the opposite electrode for a NiFe battery. The ual instructions are\r
11g FeCl3 to 4.3g FeCl2 in 5 litres of water\r
4g of GO in 4 litres of water\r
mix the 2 solutions and heat to 85 degrees centigrade\r
add ammonia until the pH is 10 the heat in reflux for 45 mins at 85 degrees centigrade\r
obviously you change the amounts for the the ual volume you want to creat but keep the ratios the same. You can increase the magnetite loading by increasing the amount of iron compunds but dont go too wild or you will just make magnetite!\r
Incidently this is useful stuff they use it to remove arsnic from water.\r
When you have finished you can seperate this magneticaly and wash it with ethanol or filter it out and wash with ethanol. You can wash with water but some product will turn into red iron rust.


