What Could Go Wrong With Super Soldiers?

  • 6 years ago
Governments and evil empires alike all seem to be in an arms race to create the perfect super soldier — in the movies that is. The idea of getting huge without having to go to the gym may seem appealing, but there’s a darker side to these soldiers than one may think. They’re actually a danger to themselves, the people to create them and the very fabric of society.

So, before you consider signing up for a crazy life-changing super soldier experiment, think about the side effects. Consider, for example, Captain America’s science experiment predecessor Johann Schmidt whose face was forever altered when he was experimented on. Also, the Hulk is a product on some insane self-experimentation.

Super soldiers also have a knack for killing their creators, so if you’re thinking of trying to harvest a homemade human killing machine, consider the fate of most scientists in the movies. Super soldiers are also infamous for their disloyalty. It’s kind of useless to create a killing machine to do your bidding if they’re going to immediately defect to the other side.

So, what’s the best-case scenario? Hopefully your super soldier ends up wanting to help the world, like Captain America — but even he has a bit of an independent streak.


