Second-day for N. Korea's inspection team in S. Korea

  • 6 years ago
In other news...
It's the second-day for North Korea's inspection team in South Korea.
Today will look around around venues for cross-country skiiers and alpine skiing in the city of PyeongChang.
Our Ji Myung-kil has more.
After spending their first day of a three-day visit in South Korea inspecting facilities in Gangneung, the 8-member North Korean delegation is in Pyeongchang on Friday, where they will take a look around ski venues.

In the morning... they visited the International Broadcast Center and the accomodation facility.

In the afternoon they will visit the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium where the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics will take place.
They will also look around the Alpensia Ski Resort, where cross-country skiing will take place.
Three North Korean athletes have been selected to compete in this category.
The inspection team will also check out the Yongpyong Alpine Center... located in the PyeongChang mountain cluster, as three North Korean athletes will compete in alpine skiing.
A total of 22 North Korean athletes will compete in 5 disciplines, making this the largest North Korean delegation in winter Olympic history.

On Saturday... the inspection team plans to check out accommodation facilities in Seoul for the 30-member taekwondo demonstration team that Pyongyang agreed to send for the games, as well as the concert hall of a local broadcasting station.
They will head back to North Korea in the afternoon.

With the North Korean women's ice hockey team already in the South,... other North Korean athletes are expected to arrive in South Korea on February the 1st, while the art troupe will arrive on February 6th. Cheerleaders, members of the taekwondo demonstration team and journalists are scheduled to arrive on February 7th.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
