Vietnam sets up cyber force to combat wrongthink

  • 6 years ago
HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM— Vietnam has tasked 10,000 members of a new military internet unit with countering "wrong" online views online.

Dubbed 'Force 47', the unit has been set up during a crackdown on critics of the country's one-party communist regime, Reuters reported.

Force 47 censors are already operating in several sectors, Tuoi Tre reported, citing a quote from Colonel General Nguyen Trong Nghia recorded by newspaper.

"In every hour, minute, and second we must be ready to fight proactively against the wrong views," said the General, reported Reuters, citing Tuoi Tre.

Data from internet watchdog Freedom House lists Vietnam is one of the worst places in the world for internet freedom. According to Human Rights Watch, the country jailed 19 bloggers and activists in 2016.

Around half of its 90 million-strong population are connected and it is said to be one of the top 10 countries for Facebook users by numbers.
