Aero-TV: Take Your Pooch Flying With Mutt Muffs!

  • 16 years ago
An Aero-Canine Hearing Protection System That Your Pooch Will Love Mutt Muffs... a silly idea at first glance, seems not so silly if you have any affection for the canine side of the world. Since ANN became the home to a new German Shepherd puppy a few months ago (named 'Anjin'), the care and feeding of a dog, especially one who has grown up on an airport and keeps trying to sneak into our airplane, has taken on new urgency... But now, hearing protection for our favorite pup has been found in the form of the aforementioned 'Mutt Muffs'. It sounds crazy at first, but bear with us... this is a cool product. The folks who dreamed up this idea claim to have been '...inspired by pilots who know the noise level of the cockpit is unsafe for man or beast.... Mutt Muffs offer hearing protection for your four-legged family members. Your dog's keenest sense is smell and number two is hearing. If you think something is loud, your dog is probably in pain. After heredity, long exposure to loud noise is the biggest contributor to deafness. Good news though... noise-induced hearing loss is different in one very important way... it can be reduced or prevented altogether.' And for those who will see this program and immediately conclude that, "My dog would never wear those...", the Mutt Muffs folks tell ANN that "you’d be surprised." They explain that, "It doesn’t take long for most dogs to 'compute' cause and effect. Dogs figure out very quickly that the Mutt Muffs are what is stopping the noise. Ironically, most make this determination by getting them off in flight. Usually just once. That's all the doggy evidence required to know life was happier when they were on. When adjusted properly, Mutt Muffs fit securely enough that head shaking isn’t enough to get them off." And yes... they work well on cats... but we're not cat fans... so who cares (grin)? So; there you have it -- an aero-canine hearing protection system... who'da thunk it? Aero-TV Goes To The Dogs And Checks Out 'Mutt ...


