Countdown to Catalonia deadline

  • 7 years ago
Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has called for calm ahead of today’s 10am deadline set by Spain’s central government for him to clarify whether or not he has declared independence.

So far Puigdemont has not indicated how he will reply to the national government but has said it will not be a “yes” or “no” answer.

Catalan pro-independence MP Gabriela Serra (CUP) is clear what he should do.

“I believe the response to be given by the Catalan President is to tell Madrid that the Catalan people have already expressed its opinion. Catalan people said they want independence. Independence to build the Republic, so that’s what should be declared by Catalan Parliament”.

Last week’s apparent independence declaration and its immediate suspension to allow for talks has raised tensions in Spain in a continuing political stand-off with Madrid.

Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero urged Catalonia to ‘rectify’ things.

“It is always better to knock on the door again than just to slam the door. That’s been proved by the history already. It is always better to try a new cohabitation model than to break it apart. Those are also the European values”

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy set today as the deadline for clarity. If Puigdemont confirms he has declared independence, he will have until Thursday to withdraw the declaration or Catalonia faces the prospect of direct rule from Madrid.