Crashing at RedBull Minidrome - Cycle Stories EP1

  • 7 лет назад
This story took place before I started my YouTube channel. Like all cycle stories, its supported by cell phone pics, video from bystanders, and whatever supporting media I can dig up. Enjoy the new !\r
Im on my way to Wynnwood, Miami. The reason: YouTube happy hour. Its my worst nightmare; a bunch of hip Vloggers having hors doeuvres and socializing. But going to the Wynnwood reminds me of an event from new called Redbull Minidrome.\r
Many of you have heard of fixed gear bikes being referred to as “track bikes”. The “track” in question is called a velodrome. Velodromes are large tracks with huge banked turns. The track is designed to conserve momentum. Well, someone had the genius idea to build a comically small version of this with hairpin turns, appropriately named the minidrome.\r
At Redbulls event, riders face off head to head in the minidrome for ten laps. Each race lasts from 45 seconds to over a minute, unless one rider starts gaining on the other significantly. In that case, the race is halted for safety reasons, with the faster rider being declared the winner.\r
Elmo & Zoey from Two& agreed to build me a fixie for the event. With a really low gear, wide ass bars, 26” wheels, and SPD pedals, Elmo had created a purpose designed machine for the event.\r
At qualifiers we got to ride the track for the first time. I remember the track being very easy to ride at moderate speed, but getting real hairy when you passed a certain threshold. Starting on the outside of the track and bombing the inside of the turn was key. After a few laps, dizziness would set in, and if you were going fast, exhaustion. If memory serves me correct, I qualified second or third, with this dude who flew in from Europe having a significant lead. \r
The next day, I headed to the track for the main event. Race day went by instant elimination. You lose a race, youre out. You crash, youre out. A lot of the people who qualified were pretty good, but didnt have the experience that the top qualifiers did. The pool of riders shrunk quick, and the races got more intense. \r
Finally, I raced against this guy who was wearing a jersey from another minidrome event. Aside from being a real nice guy, he was also a total badass at riding a minidrome. I had my work cut out for me.\r
In the end, nobody got seriously hurt. My opponent got to go on to the next race since it was me that caused the crash, and I ended up placing 5th. You can see why they normally stop the race when one rider gains too much on the other. Just look at my rear wheel.\r
If minidrome were to come to Miami again, I would definitely enter. Having learned a thing or two, Id probably opt for a slightly higher gear so Id have more headroom against the top brass. Id also use Maxxis Holy Rollers as tires since theyre perfectly suited to this type of thing. Who knows? Maybe Id even build a fixed gear mountain bike. \r
Anyway, Im nearing the venue where YouTube happy hour is being held. Wish me luck.\r
Okay, I think Im gonna head out. Although I should have stuck around for the chicken and rice, small talk and socializing just isnt my thing. Thanks for riding with me today, and Ill see you next time.\r
Velodrome Picture By Adam.J.W.C. (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons\r
Velodrome in ion picture By [CC BY 2.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons\r


