This robot can hangout with your pet when you're at work

  • 7 years ago
LOS ANGELES — A Los Angeles-based startup company has developed a pet companion robot called 'Anthouse' that can look after pets while the owners are away.

Pet owners can remotely control the robot via an app. The app allows them to steer the robot, see their pets in real time and talk to them via a built-in speaker.

The robot can launch projectiles such as tennis balls for the pets to chase after. It can also dispense treats for the pets.

When the battery gets low, the robot returns to a wireless charging station automatically. The charging time is 4 hours.

It is equipped with infra-red detection system that enables it to navigate without running into obstacles.

The company is currently raising funds for the robot on Kickstarter. It has raised about 20% of its $50,000 goal.
