Scene Girls - Myspace

  • 16 years ago MYSpace can make or break you on the scene. Create an original layout: pre-made ones are marginally scene and having the same page as everyone else is unoriginal and not scene. Try to learn basic CSS or search MyGen on Google and make your own original layout. Bulletin trains are an option for those who want many MySpace friends, and themed trains are ultra scene. The stereotypical modern scene MySpace name usually involves your first name, a second name involving fashion, gore, or music some sort of symbol, hearts or raunched out name is best (Callie Collision, Kristallion, DebraDeath, or Trashley for example). Take a ton of pics of yourself in front of the bathroom mirror or a full length mirror in your room. Make sure to wear tight fitting clothes and make sure to show a little skin just to tease. You can also take pictures from your camera phone at shows or parties to show the world your life on the scene and with other scene kids. Also try to be experimental with your photos use Photoshop filters, themed frames, blurs and whatnot. While MySpace is a staple of the scene, make sure to be active on other online scenes such as FaceBook,, and Vl